Online Training Platform: learn The Advantages And Disadvantages Of It ?


Using an online training platform for corporate team development is an  increasingly popular practice to bring engagement and improve performance.

And bringing options of methodologies combined with technology, such as opting for an EDA platform for corporate education, has been an efficient way to stimulate the team and improve results for the company.

But how can online training platform actually help your team?

In order for you to understand the advantages and disadvantages of adopting an online training platform, we have separated this complete content. Read on and understand all the potential you can bring to your team through online platforms. What is an online training platform?

You may have already used an EAD platform to take an online courses or, at the very least, you already know that this type of course is becoming more and more common within the educational program of companies.

In a way, an online training platform is a virtual learning environment, but it offers many digital resources and tools that complement student learning.

On the online training platform you can watch classes online or offline, as well as participate in classes in real time.

In addition, for the manager, it is very important to have access to the training performance reports that the platform delivers.

Online training  platform can be customized according to the company’s needs, from Technical and Operational team training to behavioral training.

Advantages of Using an Online Learning Platform

Corporate training alone has many benefits for your team’s development, but when you choose to adopt an online training platform strategy , you enjoy some advantages.

Increased participation rate in online training platform

The increase in the frequency of participation in online trainings platform is greater, this only happens because they are easy to access.

That is, making hours more flexible so that each employee chooses when they want to study ends up stimulating more participation, since they manage to fit the program into their daily lives, optimizing their time.

It is also worth thinking about the employee’s experience, so focus on the essentials and pay attention to the duration of training to avoid boring classes.

Compatible with company growth

What every company wants is to grow and gain scale, do you agree?

Startups are an example of how a structure planned for exponential growth can support the company’s growth without damaging the culture or leaving the team insecure.

The team traning online can be an important step to ensure that your entire team get the same training.

And using the same platform prevents the manager from making a mistake when forcing an employee to attend training that does not have the slightest interest in their professional profile, much less personal.

In this way, it is an EAD platform that can offer training to teams according to the company’s growth, in a scalable and adaptable way for each person on your team.


We are aware of the challenges of the online world and it is clear that despite making our lives much easier, this virtual environment also has some disadvantages compared to face-to-face training. Are they:

Lack of employee interest

It is common for your team to not see a clear value in corporate training in general, due to the lack of implementing a culture of training and learning.

In the case of an online training platform, we see that, on the one hand, employees are more and more used to consuming content online and therefore they won’t be surprised by the novelty.

On the other hand, since employees spend a lot of time online, the fact that training is on a virtual platform can also be a discouraging factor.

It’s important to understand that online platforms won’t get students’ attention by themselves. You will need to convince your team of the importance of the course for commitment. This can be done through content diversity, active methodologies, use of augmented reality, among others.

Once the team is convinced of this method, the job will be to create strategies to encourage participation through more dynamic lessons, open-ended questions or scoring and bonus systems.

Interaction between employees

Businesses are made by people. The sense of team and team commitment grows when you create environments for interactions.

Therefore, it must be recognized that an online training platform that offers flexibility in the time to carry out the training will not have the interaction between the team as a strong point, as each person will be able to do it at their own pace.

Instead of giving up here and going without an EAD platform, take advantage of all the potential that this type of online platform offers for strategies to encourage your team’s interaction, as is the case with online forums.

A company’s culture is often its main asset, so try to encourage team cooperation and a sense of community every day with simple onboarding activities.

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